Melody Beth

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Nothing new here! I'm sorry to hear about uncle lyle's dad...that is very sad. I hope things get better over there. Just wanted to post something to say Happy New Year. I am not doing anything special...getting to stay an extra night at Mike's due to the holiday that's about it. He is taking me to dinner tonight nothing special just Tony Roma's! Well love you guys!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Nothing New!

Well nothing new is going on here! Everything is all and well with me...but here is a quiz thing...see how many you get write. No cheating now!

The average person only gets 7 right. This is based on U.S. & CDN info, so use all of the lobes of your brain. This can be more difficult than it looks - it just shows how little most of us really see! There are 27 questions about things we see every day or have known about all our lives. How many can you get right? These little simple questions are harder than you think-- it just shows you how little we pay attention to the common place things of life.Put your thinking caps on. No cheating! No looking around! No getting out of your chair! No using anything on or in your desk or computer! Can you beat 20?? (The average is 7)

Write down your answers and then check your answers (on the bottom) only AFTER completing all the questions.REMEMBER - NO CHEATING!!! --- BE HONEST!!!That means no looking at your phone or anything on your desk...Then, before you pass this on to your friends, change the number on the subject line to show how many you got correct. Forward to your friends and also back to the one who sent it to you. LET'S JUST SEE HOW OBSERVANT YOU REALLY ARE.Here we go!

1. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?
2. How many states are there in the USA? (Don't laugh, some people don't know)
3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty's torch?
4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell's soup label?
5. What two numbers on the telephone dial don't have letters by them?
6. When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left leg?
7. How many matches are in a standard pack?
8. On the United States flag is the top stripe red or white?
9. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
10. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?
11. Which way does a "no smoking" sign's slash run?
12. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
13. On which side of a women's blouse are the buttons?
14. Which way do fans rotate?
15. What is on the back of a Canadian dime?
16. How many sides does a stop sign have?
17. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
18. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
19. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
20. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy,Dopey, Doc. Who's missing?
21. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
22. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?
23. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord to turn them up and down?
24. On the back of a Canadian $1 coin, what is in the center?
25. There are 12 buttons on a touch tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?
26. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
27. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise?

1. Bottom
2. 50
3. Right
4. Blue, red, white, yellow, black, &gold
5. 1, 0
6. Right
7. 20
8. Red
9. 88
10. Clockwise (north of the equator)
11. Towards bottom right
12. 12 (no .1)
13. Left
14. Clockwise as you look at it
15. The Bluenose
16. 8
17. Left
18. 5
19. 6
20. Bashful
21. 8
22. Ace of spades
23. Left
24. Loon
25. *,#
26. 3
27. Counter

Pass this along to your friends and put how many you got right in the subject line.

Monday, December 27, 2004

I wonder if this works!

Better Day!

Well I just got back from the courthouse...I went on my lunch to see if Mike's case had been called and it had...and the guy told me that if I wanted to wait in the back he was being released in like 10 minutes. So he just left my office (his mom was coming to pick him up). So all is well he has a new court date and we will find out the rest then!

What a crappy day

Well this is my first post where i actually have a lot to talk about. Happy Late Merry Christmas to everyone. Mine went awesome. I stayed the night at Mike's the night before and then went to my house for breakfast and opening presents in the morning. (I got some pretty cool stuff) And then after that we went over to mike's house for breakfast again. It was really nice (he didn't have many presents to open since well he opened them the night before lol)! And then we just kinda hung out around and had dinner with his family ( you all might now I didn't eat.) But it went well all the same.

Here is where all the excitment comes in...last night on our way to the bank (mike and I), he got pulled over. Now...this is really hard to explain so bare with me. He got sent to jail...cuz when they did a check on his plate it said he had a warrant out for his arrest. Well when he had went to court the last time...(I was with him mind you) they told him that the warrant (for failure to appear in court) was not on his record anymore and that his new court date was January 10th along with his other one. Well that's what they arrested him for last night. So I don't know if we both misunderstood (which is possible) or the lady messed up and didnt' see it. But he spent the night in jail last night and will be going to court sometime today.

So last night to get my mind off things my friend Lucia decided to take me to a party. Well at the time I didn't know that this guy david was coming with us. (He is the guy in the picture with me) Well we don't get along to well anymore since him and Mike aren't friends...but I decided to make the best of it. Well the party was kinda dull and I wanted to go home so around 1 we finally got david (really really drunk) into the car and on our way home. Well another friend of his (that was with us) knows Mike as well and said that me and mike should go to his new years eve party...and all i said was "I don't know if that's the best idea since Mike and David don't get along to well" and David went pyscho on me telling me that I'm disrespecting him and i'm saying it's all his fault that they aren't friends. And I was just laughing cuz he is drunk and making a complete ass of himself. but then he started getting mean. he started punching the back of the seat and kicking and screaming. Lucia mind you is about to have a panic attack driving so i'm trying to calm them both down (I gave up on david since i didn't want him to do something stupid) in the proccess of punching the seats he hit lucia...on accident I suppose. Well after he finally calmed down (right before we got to his house) he got out and said he would call me and Mike later. And I said not to worry about it because I didn't really wanna talk to him after this...he called me a bitch and started kicking the outside of the car. So we finally got away from him and went and checked the car and there were two big dents in the side of the car. So Lucia had me call the cops, because she was in tears not even able to talk. So the cops came and he gave Lucia two choices..she could either work it out with his family in hopes that they could just pay for the damages...or he could be sent to jail. Well his mom said she w0uld rather him just go to jail. So Lucia is pressing charges and he is in jail right now. So last night was quite a night for me.

Well there's my update. Love you guys lots!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

No Subject

Well I just got some pictures from Lucia, and I was gonna scan them in and post them on here so that way everyone could see a good picture of me and mike...and then some more of me and lucia...but our scanner at home is not working correctly. i will wait and see if marisa will let me scan them in on her scanner. nothing new and exciting going on here. just work and hanging out and all. it's almost christmas and i'm so excited. christmas eve we are all going out to Aunt Mary's...(mike is gonna come with me so he can meet her and grandpa...and of course Baily). And then Christmas day Marisa and Josh will be cooking Breakfast for everyone! And then they are all going to see a movie...I am not quit sure if I will be going with them...(i know mike wants me to come over to his house as well. So I am not really sure what is going on. This is the first year I am not with my mom on Christmas. :( That makes me very sad.

Well I am gonna go for now...just wanted to let everyone know I am still alive and all! I love you guys! Hope you guys have a very merry christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2004


Alright nothing really new has happened...except for getting lost last night. Long is a link to a site where you can read about this awful story about a women who cut the womb open of another women to get her baby. It's such a sad story. You may have already heard about it but for those who haven't here is a link to the story It's really really sad. My weekend went well. Now I am just looking forward to Christmas! The Christmas party at the Miller's was a lot of fun. Me and Mike did a gift exchange and wound up with a candle warmer which is nice...cuz we burn a lot of candles. And then we went to a friend of our's birthday party...she flew in from Arizona for her 20th birthday so we went! All is well...just loving working at the mall during Christmas time...I used to walk around the mall on my lunch and it's so hard to do now...cuz there are so many people in here! Well love you all!

Thursday, December 16, 2004


this is what i do when i am bored!

New day...nothing New!

Well today is a brand new day and things arent' any better. I have to admit that my cold is all done with. I still have a slight cough but nothing to worry over! Things arent' really getting any better with the boyfriend problems...just kinda getting worse. But hopefully things will all work out. Work is going ok I's Christmas time...and since I am an adult now (well I was last year too...but still close enough to my mom to sign cards) I bought Christmas cards and signed them all my own. I bought like what I thought was gonna be enough (50) and it wasn't. So thankfully Kathy has some extra's she is gonna give to I can send them out! And then of course the day I buy them I go home sick from work and forget them there. I needed some address from my mother but couldn't remember who they were. But anyways...nothing new really...just wanted to post cuz it's been a few days! Oh yeah and Adrienne filled me on some baseball news...that one of our favorite and best players on the Dodger's has gone to a different team. So long Beltre!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


I have been sick and haven't had time to get online and post. But I am doing much better now...I still have a bad cough and the doctor gave me a script for Codine but didn't put how much so me and kathy had a run in at rite aid and didn't have time to stand and wait for the damn doctor's to get back to them about how much. But I am back to work and doing ok. Things have been kinda crazy lately...between being sick and having boyfriend problems it's awful. This Saturday is the Christmas party over at the one of the families from baseball and I am really looking forward to it. Mike is taging along with me...mostly because i am making him. He is kinda nervous to meet everyone but I'm sure he will have fun. Well that's all for now...I will update some more later. Love you!

Friday, December 03, 2004

Blah Blah Blah

Well there isn't much to post about but I will anyways. Tonight Mike and I are going out to dinner...I'm not sure where but it's really nice cuz i'm supposed to dress up. is crazy. They had me put up the Christmas tree a few days know I have never put up a Christmas tree before. I had no idea what to do. dad or someone else always did it. I felt so retarded. But Mary came out and helped me put up the lights (the only part I didn't figure out) and showed me how to do that when we go to put up Mike's Christmas tree I will have somewhat of exprience. I mean I know how to put ordaments and that stuff on..but the other stuff man...I am not smart enough for that lol! But now I have some-what of an idea on what to do. I will wind up calling my dad more then likely and asking him what I need to do. Kinda like Thanksgiving dinner. I thought I could do it...but no I had to call my mom and dad who came to the rescue! Anyways...that's about it. I won't post this weekend due to the lack of not being home and able to post. But I will post again on Monday telling you all about my weekend. Myspace has taken over my life...ahhhhhh!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Mike's Birthday

Well nothing new once again lol! Mike's birthday was yesterday and it was really nice. We just went to his house and relaxed and I gave him a back rub! What a nice girlfriend I am! Besides that nothing really new is going on. Just work and that's about it! Mike is going to play at the studio tonight so that should be fun! He plays the drums by the way and he goes out to Hollywood about once or twice a week to play. It's nothing big just something he likes to do in his spare time. And he think's he is bad...but from what I can tell he is really good. He plays a lot of "Thrice" which is a band that we both really like! Well just wanted to keep everyone updated on what's going on! Love ya!