More stuff
Well there are a few new things to post about so here it goes.
We finally got the crib put together, Jon's dad did it a few weeks ago. It's starting to look really nice in the room now. It's actually got stuff in it lol. We still have a few things left to get like a dresser, carseat, stroller, diaper bag, high chair, bouncy seat, and other random things. But it looks good with the crib in there. I am going to ask Jon to put together the bassinet this weekend (I am no good with putting things together...if I did then they probably wouldn't be safe lol). I have put it off for long enough, mostly because I am lazy and since the bassinet is going in our room, I would have to figure out a place to put it and clean up and everything, and I haven't felt like doing that, but I have to soon, since I don't have that much longer.
The weather here is finally nice. Monday we got quite a snow storm, and our power was off from 8 in the morning until 10:30 at night. It was awful. I resorted to talking to the dogs for most of the day. Because Jon's mom is on her spring break from work and is in Chicago for the week, his dad is down in Albany for the week working, and Jon worked the midnight shift so he slept most of the day. So I had no tv, music, movies, computer, or anyone to talk to. I read a little bit, but I can only sit still and do one thing for so long without getting bored.
I went to the doctor's today. They said that everything looks good. The baby's head is down and my belly is the right size. I have to start going once a week now, instead of twice a week. Which is a pain in the butt, but it's what I gotta do.
Well that's about all. Love and miss everyone like crazy :)
I put my box in the mail to you yesterday and there is a great diaper bag in it. There is also a music box that should work great on that crib.
I am so excited for you.
EZ Travel, at 1:17 PM
I have to start going once a week now, instead of twice a week.
say what?
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
Not sure who posted that comment...but instead of going twice a week to the doctor's I have to go once a week. I'm not really sure why, since I've never had a baby...but it's what the doctor ordered.
Melody Beth, at 12:35 PM
NOT twice a week Mel, every other week. Once every two weeks.
Gretchen, at 3:44 PM
I tend to run a little slow sometimes. Expecially these days.
Melody Beth, at 9:47 AM
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