Melody Beth

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No Puppy :(

Well yesterday when Jon's mom came home she was going to call and cancel our appointment for the day, because the weather was awful and you could barely see. It wasn't really snowing that bad, but we had awful winds and the drifting snow was making it white out conditions. Well anyways, when she was talking to the lady, the lady has failed to mention before that the dog had parvos. The place where we were going to get the puppy from is a rescue place and they said that Darby (the puppy we were going to get) was the only dog that had survived this diesease out of the whole litter that they had gotten. But with Parvos it's either you live or you die, and it's not a cureable diesease. So we were still thinking about getting the dog, in hopes that everything would be ok. Well Jon's mom called the vet to make an appointment for the dog we already have and she asked them about Parvos, and they said that it's very catchable amoung other animals. Human's can't get it, but other animals can. So we decided against it, because we don't want our dog getting sick.

We have been having so many difficulties trying to find a puppy. The only ones we can seem to find through the humane society are pit bulls, and we really don't want to get a pit bull. So she decided that she is just going to buy one. We found a breeder not to far away that is selling Snoodles for $400. So hopefully either Thursday (depending on Jon and if he wants to drive and go) or sometime this weekend, we will be going to pick one up. They are only 3 months old and the cutest looking dog. The picture I have put up is not the exact dog, but it is a picture of a snoodle.

And as for the comments on my last post...yes Aunt Adrienne it is a lot better then a duck. Although I would still really enjoy having a duck. And as for walking the puppy, we will probably potty train it to go in the house until the summer time. We also have an enclosed garage in which we can alway take it out there.

Something I didn't mention in my last post is that we have turkey's. Well we don't HAVE them, but they come and visit lol. I woke up one day last week and the first thing I usually do when I go downstairs is look out the window in the living room at the birds. We have bird feeders out there and we get some of the prettiest birds. Well the other day I saw no birds, and went and sat down, and OMG I noticed about 5 turkey's sitting out there eating the bird seed off the ground. I almost peed in my pants. It kind of scared me a little bit. I'm not used to seeing them so close. We sometimes get deer, but I have never seen a turkey lol. I will have to take a picture if they come back.

Well that's about all on my end for now. Love you all!


  • I remember the first time I saw wild turkeys was at your old house on Cook Rd. They were just strolling through the yard. Good luck with that whole puppy thing. Good thing you won't have anything else to pay attention to or take care of.

    By Blogger EZ Travel, at 3:32 PM  

  • Who needs a puppy when you can domesticate a turkey?

    By Blogger paulette, at 7:57 AM  

  • You can train a dog not to bite. I don't know if you can do that with a turkey.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:57 AM  

  • You can have a turkey fo dinner, they frown on you doing that with a dog.( ck Borat)

    By Blogger marty, at 10:51 AM  

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