Melody Beth

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It started off short

Well there is not a whole lot of new news to post about, so this is going to be a short and sweet blog.

Our new puppy whose name is Tango (we went with a dance theme since our other dog is cha cha), is doing well. She is a bundle of laughs most of the time, and the rest of the time she is wild and crazy. She has adjusted to house and other dog pretty well. Cha Cha is a bigger dog (the size of Tootsie Roll or a little larger then Link) so Cha Cha's bark scares her a little bit. But she is getting used to it. We went to the vet yesterday so she could get her shots and get checked out. Turns out she had about 200-300 ear mites in her ears. Not to mention all the hair. I've never seen a dog with so much hair in there ears. Apparently with the snoodle hair in the ears is very common, but the vet said that it doesn't usually bother the dog if you tweeze them out. But because of the ear mites we have to wait a few days, because her ears are so sensitive. They gave her a one time treatment for it, so hopefully it will get better soon. But besides that she is a healthy dog. She runs around like crazy and licks like crazy. She wakes me up (she sleeps in the bed with me and Jon) usually around 7-8 a.m. everyday to play. She will wake me up by licking my face or biting on my toes. And she also gets up in the middle of the night (when I get up to use the bathroom), but she just usually does the same thing as me (go to the bathroom) and then comes back and goes back to sleep. She is not big enough to get onto the bed or walk up the stairs, so I have to carry her everywhere.

Um...we have a vacation planned in January of next year to go to Disneyworld. Jon and his father (also names John) are going to be running a marathon down there, so his mom decided that we would just all go, and spend a week down there. I'm looking forward to it, because I love everything about Disney :)

No new news on the baby yet. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, just a check-up. I am going to ask to get another ultra sound done. I think it's about that time anyways, but I want to make sure that it is still a girl, before the baby shower lol.

The baby shower is coming up fast. I'm looking forward to getting to see my parents and everyone again. It's nice living so close, I get to see them so much more often now. I don't really know what is planned for the baby shower, Jon's mom is taking care of most of it.

We have had great weather here lately. It's been up into the 60's the last couple days. But before I could get to excited, I saw on the weather in a few days we are expecting another snow storm. And just when I was getting used to the melting snow, we are just going to be getting some more.

Jon is still doing well. Still working all the time. He has stopped working on Friday and Saturday nights at the casino and now is only "On Call" so when they need him they will call. He may be starting to go full time on the grave yard shift since that's the only full time position they have avaiable right now. I don't really want him to, but it keeps him busy, and gives us a little more money.

Mary is almost done with the baby's room, at least the decorating part. She has got all the wallpaper up and has painted the ceiling. I know she wants to put some fish and dolphin things on the wall, so she is not done completely. I will have my mom take pictures when she comes, since I'm not very good at getting those things done lol.

Well so much for short and sweet huh!!

Love you guys

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Here are pictures of the unfinished baby room and the new puppy. She is just so adorable.

Nothing new to post...just thought I would put up some pictures :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No Puppy :(

Well yesterday when Jon's mom came home she was going to call and cancel our appointment for the day, because the weather was awful and you could barely see. It wasn't really snowing that bad, but we had awful winds and the drifting snow was making it white out conditions. Well anyways, when she was talking to the lady, the lady has failed to mention before that the dog had parvos. The place where we were going to get the puppy from is a rescue place and they said that Darby (the puppy we were going to get) was the only dog that had survived this diesease out of the whole litter that they had gotten. But with Parvos it's either you live or you die, and it's not a cureable diesease. So we were still thinking about getting the dog, in hopes that everything would be ok. Well Jon's mom called the vet to make an appointment for the dog we already have and she asked them about Parvos, and they said that it's very catchable amoung other animals. Human's can't get it, but other animals can. So we decided against it, because we don't want our dog getting sick.

We have been having so many difficulties trying to find a puppy. The only ones we can seem to find through the humane society are pit bulls, and we really don't want to get a pit bull. So she decided that she is just going to buy one. We found a breeder not to far away that is selling Snoodles for $400. So hopefully either Thursday (depending on Jon and if he wants to drive and go) or sometime this weekend, we will be going to pick one up. They are only 3 months old and the cutest looking dog. The picture I have put up is not the exact dog, but it is a picture of a snoodle.

And as for the comments on my last post...yes Aunt Adrienne it is a lot better then a duck. Although I would still really enjoy having a duck. And as for walking the puppy, we will probably potty train it to go in the house until the summer time. We also have an enclosed garage in which we can alway take it out there.

Something I didn't mention in my last post is that we have turkey's. Well we don't HAVE them, but they come and visit lol. I woke up one day last week and the first thing I usually do when I go downstairs is look out the window in the living room at the birds. We have bird feeders out there and we get some of the prettiest birds. Well the other day I saw no birds, and went and sat down, and OMG I noticed about 5 turkey's sitting out there eating the bird seed off the ground. I almost peed in my pants. It kind of scared me a little bit. I'm not used to seeing them so close. We sometimes get deer, but I have never seen a turkey lol. I will have to take a picture if they come back.

Well that's about all on my end for now. Love you all!

Monday, March 05, 2007

New things

Hello everyone! Here's a quick look into the things that are going on.

I went to the doctor's last week for a check up. And they said that everything looks great. The baby's heartbeat is nice and strong, my weight is good, and she said something about the babies position, but I'm not really sure what. My iron on the other hand is really low. I am taking 2 iron pills a day, that make my stomach upset. I am still taking them though, because my iron dropped 14%. I'm going to talk to my doctor my next check-up (next week), and see if there is a different kind of pill I can take.

We (well I should say Jon's mom Mary) has started decorating the babies room. She has most of the wallpaper up. It's an under water themed room. We have water bubble paper on the top half of the wall and then in the middle there is an Ariel Little Mermaid border, and then on the bottom half we have it painted a dark purple. She is almost done, except the Little Mermaid border paper we got, we got two packages of and one of them has a larger bottom part, so we have to go exchange it. I will take and put up pictures when we finish the room.

I have registered at Target. I have not put much on there yet. I'm still trying to figure out what I need and what not. Plus I'm not to sure what is good and what is not good. I've never done this before, so I'm pretty lost. When I registered in the store, they gave me one of those little scanner things and when we looked at the stuff they didn't really have much. We had found a stroller that we really liked, but for cribs and other furniture and what not, they didn't really have much at all. They had 2 cribs, that were 5 in 1 cribs, which we don't really need. So I have to look online for one.

Mary (Jon's mother) and I are going to look at a puppy today. I have been saying I want a puppy for a very long time now. We were about to get one when we lived in California, and then we decided to move out here. And now he always tells me that I am going to have a baby, and we already have a dog so we don't need a puppy. But I lucked out and talked to Mary about it and she told me she wanted to get a puppy too, so after many trips to the Humane Society (in which they never had any puppies only older dogs), we found a Rescue place not to far away that had one. We had to fill out an adoption application (we needed references lol), and then she called us back and set up an interview for today. An interview to adopte a puppy, how crazy is that. I think it's because this place is a Rescue Shelter, so they are very certain that the dog is going to a good home.

Jon is doing well. He is working 2 jobs now. He works Monday and Tuesday mornings (1-9 a.m.) at the casino doing the bartending. Then he works usually Mon-Sat at the Salvation Army from 9-1 (except mon and tues. then he works 10-2). Then Friday and Saturdays 4-Close at the casino. He is thinking about only working the over night shifts at the casino, because that's when he makes the most money, and he is getting worn out. But besides all that he is doing well.

I did my taxes a couple weeks ago. And I did them all by myself for the first time. Although I had Jon's dad check everything after I was done, just to make sure that I had done everything right.

The snow has yet to go away. I just read in Aunt Erika's blog that the snow is almost gone there, I wish we could be so lucky. We just keep getting more and more. We had some pretty crappy weather the other day. We had rain, freezing rain, hail, sleet, and snow. It's funny when we let the dog out, we put her on a chain and she can't go very far because there is so much snow. Next time I post I will take a picture. Normally we can't see her in our front window but with the 4 feet of snow we have, she just sits in front of the window and looks at us.

Well that's about all for now.

Love you guys :)