Melody Beth

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Capital Punishment

I remember doing a report/presentation for my communications class in 10th grade on Capital Punishment. I haven't really thought about it since my report (considering the only reason i thought about it was cuz it was my homework!) but recently Tookie Williams was executed (by legal injection) and for some reason I can not stop thinking about it. I even went as far as trying to find my old communications teacher (or at least an e-mail) address to see if she still have my paper (to be honest so I didn't have to look up the info and statistics again) but turns out she no longer works at the high school so I do not know how to contact her. Now I haven't done much research so far on the subject but I do intent to look up information, cuz as of now I do not believe that capital punishment is right.

I guess the one thing that I do remember reading and talking about in class is "Leopold and Loeb". Leopold and Loeb were 19 years old in the year when they commited "the crime of the century". In the year 1924 they kidnapped and murdered a 14 year old boy. They did this just for the simple fact that they wanted to know what it was like. However they were both lucky enough to get life imprisonment instead of the death penalty. Together there accomplishments include working at hospitals, teaching illiterates to read, creating a correspondence school, making significant developments in the World War II Malaria Project, and writing a grammar book. Look at what they have done to society. I'm not saying that by doing these things they have paid back society for what they did that little boy, and I'm not saying that our world is a better place because of what they have did, but they did get a sliver of a chance to pay back something.

What are we accomplishing by sentencing someone with the death penalty? What is our point as society, as a nation? I see it as trying to prove to society that committing crimes is wrong. Looking at certain statistic the majority of crimes that result in the death penalty are murders. I also saw other ones...Espionage, Treason, and Trafficking in a large about of illegal drugs.

I don't understand the point in killing a person to prove to society that committing a murder is wrong. It does not make sense to me what so ever.

Sorry I had to vent and get that out and it's a little to serious for a myspace blog so I thought I would post it here!


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